Monday, March 30, 2015

To Belong...

"I'm tired of breaking and falling
And drowning and crawling
And hoping and wishing and dreaming"-To Belong 

The word tired is not only just the physical exhaustion that one experiences, but rather the over all tiredness. This can be most easily defined as the loss of will to go on.

Breaking and falling are not jus hurting words, they are the state of mental being she is in. Breaking has a negative connotation and the ing at the end shows that it was and is continues, the rest of the verbs in these lines also end in ing. The narrator of the poem has her past merge in to her present and that present holds hands tightly with the future. Falling here could mean in love and thus representing the breaking as breaking up, but as we go on in the poem we realize that it is not about love. 

'Drowning' This word is usually what people are most scared of. They are scared of drowning. Of something that is so essential to their life-- completely submerge them and then proceed to kill them. 
Most of earth is covered in water and most of our bodies contain water, it is necessarily  to maintain and sustain life. To have something that you need-be the thing that kills you... Be the thing that causes your downfall. 

And imagine the hurt and betrayal would get from something that's in essentially always around you and always in you...

"Falling" if we look at the way this word is written you will see that the capital F is the highest you will get in life, the bar in F is the cliff that you hit into. Then you get lost in the circle of the a and ping pong into the parallel L's. At the point you have hope that you might actually get to the top, and the dot in the i represents exactly that. But that is... Only until you skip a beat and sky rocket back to earth where you go into g where you are drawn in the circle of problems. From there you are shot out into the tail of the g and plunged in the starless void that is also known as darkness. The thing about darkness is the deeper you get the darker you get... Do I also mean personality and mental wise? Maybe :P

We shall cover line 4 and 5 in the future. :)

-Huda K.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Welcome to my blog!

I am currently writing an ebook titled "Matryoshka Doll". It is a collection of poems and perhaps drawings.

In this blog I will update with news on the upcoming book and where it can be purchased. I will also annotate some lines so you guys can have a peak at what the book contains.

I am currently making the cover and will post it as soon as I am done, but the reason I chose the name Matryoshka Doll, or a Russian nesting doll, is because these dolls are usually full of themselves..But if you remove the second doll, the first doll is now empty and hollow. Or is she? 

These are not exactly your I love you poems with sunshine and fluffy clouds- it's the art of expression of a troubled and dark soul-not mine! But a preception and a view into one- that most of you could probably relate too.

I will post every Thursday and Friday and whenever I feel the blogger in me take over XD-so stay tuned! 

That's all for now!
-Huda K.